Anti-wrinkle injections

Byron Bay

Anti-wrinkle injections are used to relax the muscles used in facial expression - specifically those associated with negative, or downward expression. This results in smoothing of dynamic wrinkles and fine lines, and a softer, refreshed appearance.

The treatment is made of a purified neurotoxin combined with proteins, this substance is injected into the target muscle where it exerts its effect on communication at the neuromuscular junction.

Once injected, the treatment starts to work over a period of 3-14 days, with peak effects at 2-4 weeks. Results can last between 12-16 weeks - with longevity of result directly related to dose of treatment.

All our treatments are performed by our cosmetic doctor.

We tailor our treatments at Dr Tranter Aesthetics based on your anatomy, how strong your muscle is and desired result - because of this we charge per unit for treatment, and not by area. We offer a comprehensive consultation, treatment planning and dedicated follow up after every treatment.

Our goal is always subtle, natural results from our anti-wrinkle treatments.

 Common treatment areas

  • Horizontal forehead lines are caused by the contraction of the frontalis muscle in your forehead. When treating this area the aim is to soften any excessive movement while preserving the ability to raise the eyebrows.

    The forehead is considered a separate area to the frown area (the area between your eyebrows) for cosmetic purposes - the reason for this is that there are different muscle groups involved and they require a different treatment approach. However, we recommend treating these two areas together for best results from your anti-wrinkle treatment.

    Forehead treatment requires careful planning and follow up, it can take 2-3 treatment sessions to determine dosage and injection placement for your specific anatomy.

    Guide units:

    10-30 units Type B

    20-90 units Type D

  • The frown area or the Glabellar Complex, is a complex of muscles that work between the medial brow to pull down and inwards. This results in a frowning expression; something many people wish to address because they feel it makes them look angry, stressed or worried when, in fact, this isn’t how they feel at all!

    We target this area with a series of injections to relax and soften the frown. This also has the effect of opening the eyes, especially when treated in conjunction with the crows feet area.

    The frown is considered a separate area to the forehead area for cosmetic purposes - the reason for this is that there are different muscle groups involved and they require a different treatment approach. The two areas can be treated together, if indicated, or the frown can be treated separately.

    Guide units:

    15-25 units Type B

    40-60 units Type D

  • Commonly known as “Crow’s Feet”, the lateral canthal lines are the dynamic lines around the eyes, extending from the outer corner of the eye in a circular pattern. These lines are the result of the contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle - the circular muscle around the eye, visible when smiling or laughing.

    By targeting this muscle with anti-wrinkle treatment we can soften the area and by extending treatment to the outer eyebrow we are also able open up the eyes for a refreshed and relaxed appearance without compromising your natural, warm smile.

    Guide units:

    6-15 units Type B (each side)

    15-30 units Type D (each side)

  • The masseter muscle is the largest and most powerful muscle associated with clenching the jaw, or biting down. Over-activity of this muscle can cause unwanted hypertrophy, causing a prominent, or boxy appearing jaw.

    It can also be responsible for dental issues, headaches and TMJ pain. We offer treatment of this area for both cosmetic and medical indications, and work with local dentists to offer this service for their patients.

    By treating the masseter we can slim the lower face and jawline, relieve headaches and jaw pain and help prevent further damage to the teeth.

    Guide units:

    25-50 units Type B (each side)

  • The “Lip Flip” is becoming a very popular cosmetic treatment as it is able to improve the fullness and height of the upper lip.

    It works by relaxing the muscle around the upper lip called the orbicularis oris. This muscle is responsible for stretching the lip when we talk or smile. By injecting a series of points above the upper lip the muscle will relax and give the appearance of a more full top lip.

    Guide units:

    4-8 units Type B

  • The depressor anguli oris (DAO) muscle attaches to the corner of the mouth and the bottom of the mandible (lower jaw), just to the side of the chin. It is one of the muscles responsible for pulling the corners of the mouth downwards - it actually becomes more active as we age, and contributes to a downturned mouth and lines in the marionette area.

    By relaxing this muscle it allows the corners of the mouth to elevate and it helps soften lines in the lower face.

    Often combined with chin treatment for the lower face.

    Guide units:

    2-5 units Type B (each side)

    5-10 units Type D (each side)

  • Excessive gum show when smiling is known as a “Gummy Smile”. It is usually the result of excessive orbicularis oris (the muscle around the mouth) stretching the top lip excessively when smiling, or over-active lip elevators.

    By assessing your smile and targeting the muscles responsible, we are able to relax the upper lip and reduce the amount of gum on show.

    Guide units:

    4-14 units Type B

    *Treatment amount is dependent on individual assessment, consultation required to determine your personalised plan.

  • Treatment of the chin - or mentalis muscle, can improve the appearance of chin dimpling (a pebble appearance). In some patients a very strong mentalis muscle contributes to a deeper chin crease and shortening of lower face proportion. Anti-wrinkle treatment relaxes the chin, allowing it to look more pointed and balanced.

    Often combined with DAO treatment for the lower face.

    Guide units:

    2-6 units Type B

    5-15 units Type D

  • Vertical neck bands are caused by overactive and more prominent platysma muscle, which can cause excessive pull on the lower face, jawline and neck.

    Anti-wrinkle treatment to the platysma results in lifting of the lower third of the face and jawline contour which can improve drooping to the corners of the mouth and jowls.

    Guide units:

    20-25 units Type B (in 4-6 injection points to each band)

    *Note: treatment to this area is highly individualised and consult is required to determine appropriate treatment for you.

  • Bunny lines are the lines and wrinkling across the bridge of the nose. They can be caused by frowning, squinting and scrunching up your nose, and involve the nasalis muscle.

    It is usually necessary to treat the frown area (procerus muscle) at the same time as treating the nasalis, for best results.

    Guide units:

    2-8 units Type B (each side)

    5-10 units Type D (each side)

Anti-wrinkle Before and Afters

Type B vs Type D - what’s the difference?

There are numerous brands of anti-wrinkle injections available, but due to TGA regulations we’re not able to name the brands that we use in clinic. All types of anti-wrinkle treatment contain the same neurotoxin - i.e. the active ingredient, but they have slightly different manufacturing processes and are formulated with different proteins. This gives them subtly different characteristics, for example, some people may feel Type D injections start to work a little quicker than Type B.

Essentially though, all the brands work in a very similar way and have the same desired results on relaxing expression and softening lines and wrinkles. We only use TGA-approved, premium anti-wrinkle products in the clinic.

Contact us if you have any questions about the brands we use in clinic.


  • Treatment involves using a tiny needle to deliver the product into the skin. We have various ways of making the experience comfortable and use methods such as ice, vibration and topical numbing cream to maximise patient comfort.

  • All cosmetic treatment carry potential risk and complications.

    The most common risks with Anti-wrinkle injections involve bleeding, bruising, redness and swelling in the treated area.

    More rare complications involve eyebrow or eyelid heaviness or drooping, unwanted relaxation of an adjacent muscle/muscles, headache, flu-like symptoms and temporary facial weakness.

    Specific risks relavent to the areas being treated at your appointment will be discussed with you during your doctors pre-treatment consult.

  • We ask that you come to your appointment without any make-up and a clean face.

    We also suggest avoiding medications and supplements that can increase bleeding and bruising — e.g. ibuprofen, aspirin, fish oil, blood thinners, and avoid alcohol for the 2-3 days prior to your appointment.

  • We advise:

    No rubbing or massaging of the injected area for 4 hours after treatment, including facials.

    No strenuous exercise for 24 hours after treatment.

    Keep upright for 4 hours — no lying on your front.

    Avoid headwear that is tightly fitted across the forehead.

    No makeup for 24 hours post treatment.

  • Results from your anti-wrinkle treatment can take a full 2 weeks to be completely evident. We always recommend waiting for this time period to ensure the result has completely kicked in.

    If you have any concerns we always off a complimentary review at 2 weeks and the time period for any adjustments to the treatment can be done between 2-4 weeks.

    Our team is friendly and here to assist if you have any concerns or questions after your treatment. Please contact the clinic on 02 6680 7819.

*Please note that individual results vary and every treatment requires a doctor consultation and treatment planning to ensure optimal outcomes. Results are not guaranteed and all cosmetic treatments carry a degree of risk. This will be discussed with you at your consultation.

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